Cover Sheet / Home Page INTRODUCTION The Significance of the Geodesic Dome GEODESIC PROPERTIES Performance - Tensegrity Load Distribution - Expansion / Contraction Potential DOME PROPERTIES Volumetric - Aerodynamic - Thermodynamic STRUCTURAL PRINCIPLES Fundamental Complementarity - Structure SOLID GEOMETRY Natural Order of Geometric Figures The Tetrahedron - The Octahedron - The Icosahedron Polyhedral Multiplication The Sphere - The Geodesic - Geodesic Subgridding GEODESEMETRY Graphical Procedure - Mathematical Procedure Spherical Geometry - The Grid - Drawing a Grid Diagram Geodesic Algorithm - Spherical Trig Equations & Notes Chord Factors/Base Ratio - Practical Use of Chord Factors- Dome Series CONSTRUCTION Struts - Vertices - Assembly Membrane (Skin/Cover/Fabric) Interior Partitioning -Walk-Thru Openings Panel Systems - Tensegrity Structuring LONG RANGE DEVELOPMENTS Use & Operation - Size & Construction Energy Production Design Science Responsibility Public Acceptance APPENDIX URDome General Instruction Manual Kalenak Projects - Facet Diagrams - Models/Patterns/Plans - AutoCAD file - RBF Patents - Supplimental Readings/Deleted Sections BIBLIOGRAPHY