There exists the mathematical phenomena known as the geodesic. A geodesic is the most economical relationship between 2 events. A special case geodesic finds that a straight line is the shortest distance between two points in a plane. Spherical great circles are geodesic. A great circle is a line formed on a spheres surface by a plane going through the spheres center. Spherical geodesic lines are the shortest surface distances between 2 points on the outside of a sphere. Great circle arcs represent the shortest lines between points on the surface of a sphere. Great circles are geodesic lines because they provide the most economical distances ( energy & effort ) between any 2 points on a spherical systems surface. Great circle segment chords represent the shortest distance between 2 surface points on the surface of a sphere. Geodesic means of or pertaining to the great circles of a sphere or of arcs of such circles; as a geodesic line , a line which is a great circle or arc thereof; as a geodesic pattern - a pattern created by the intersections of great circle lines ,arcs, or their cords. Any two great circles of the same system must cross each other twice with their crossing always 180 degrees apart. Lesser circles are formed on the spheres surface by planes cutting through sphere but not passing through the spheres center. When a lesser circle is superimposed on a great circle it cuts across the latter @ 2 points, A & B. It is a shorter distance between A & B on the great circles shortest arc than on the lesser circles shortest arc. The great circle chords of all polyhedra are always found to be systematically developed out of exactly 6 great circle chords never more - never less. In a given system, 3 great circles entirely divide the entire sphere into 4 hemispherically opposed pairs of similar spherical triangles ( irregular spherical octahedra ) & in one special case into the 8 similar spherical triangles of the regular spherical octahedron.

GEODESIC SUBGRIDDING To form a geodesic dome, grids are generally formed on the faces of a spherical icosahdron. The tetrahedron & octahedron can also be used . Each face is modularly divided along its edges - lines connecting these modularly divided edges in a 3-way great circle grid provide the outline for the plan of construction. See the facet diagrams in the appendix. When a 3-way great circle grid symmetrically subdivides the trussed facets of the icosahedron - this is called a 3-way grid geodesic structure. The arc-edge subdivision points are interconnected with a 3-way omni-triangulated grid of great circle arcs. There is a 6-ness throughout the pattern of structural elements on each face of the spherical icosahedron except @ each Icosahedral vertex where 5 faces join @ the center of an icosacap, where there is a 5-ness resulting from the fact that there are only 5 such triangles around such vertices. An icosacap is the 5 spherical triangles of an icosahedron having a common vertex. There are 6 alternate ways of organizing the triangular subgridding some of which permit planar base cut offs of the sphere @ other than its equator. In some cases, it may be preferred to shift the orientation of the framework; in which case the zenith of the dome doesn't coincide with the midpoint of the icosacap but instead coincides with a point within one ( or on an edge ) of the spherical triangles forming the faces of the icosahedron. Lesser circle truncation planes can be made available by moving an unusual point to the zenith. In general arrangement, the geodesic dome is one of generally spherical form in which the longitudinal center line of the main structural elements lie substantially in great circle planes whose intersections with a common sphere form grids comprising substantially equilateral spherical triangles. A symmetrical reticulated dome geometry consisting of concentric small circles with horizontal & triangulated struts connecting the rings - will not have geodesic stability (ie forces not geodesically uniformly distributed). The individual triangles, diamonds or hexagons (case or construction dependant) maybe plane or flat elements or they may be made of arcuate or spherical form to define spherical figures. The complete structure will be spherical or substantially so with the individual structural elements aligned with great circles of a common sphere. Next Table of Contents