Architecture is the design process of building macro-structures out of micro-structures, the building of visible structures out of invisible structures. The same structural laws operate at both macro- and micro-levels. They are the structural laws of our observable Universe. The principles of structure are universal constants utterly independent of the phenomena "relative size" in any man-elected arbitrary modular terms.Fundamental Complementarity
Unity is plural and at minimum 2. Everything in the universe is divisible by 2. There will always be at least 2 poles to any system. This Principle is called the Fundamental Complementarity. It is a basis of structuring. Tension and compression are complementary; one can't exist without the other. However, these 2 types of forces have distinct individual qualities. A tension force and its complementary (resultant) compression occur at right angles (precessionally) to each other. The "equal and opposite" of classical engineering meant that both action and reaction occurred in opposite directions in the same straight line in the same geometrical plane. But since the recognition of nonsimultaneity and the speed of light, it has been seen that the action, reaction and resultant vectors react omnidirectionally and precessionally at angles other than 180 degrees. Tensional capabilities are always more versatile and energetically effective than compressional capabilities. Ropes can be pulled around corners . Neither stiff poles nor flexible ropes can be pushed around corners. Tension has a greater distance range of capability than has compression, witness the compression masts and the only-tensionally-suspended long center spans of the great suspension bridges. A tensed line tends to get straighter and straighter though never absolutely straight. Physics has not found any straight lines. Physics has found only waves - the superficially straighter waves being of ever higher frequency and ever shorter wavelength and always locally and discontinuously particled. The Length-to-Diameter ratio of a compressional column is called its Slenderness Ratio. The Greeks architects found experientially that when the height of a stone column exceeded its girth by 18 diameters, it tended to fail by buckling out of the central stone cylinder section. If you load the top center of a thin column it tends to bend like a banana its radius of curvature in the bending area gets smaller and smaller. The taller a column is in proportion to its mid-girth cross-section dimension, the less the load it will bear before it tends to buckle, which means to bend twistingly outward in 1 direction and- if further loaded- ultimately to form 2 columns. Continuous steel columns are more stable than stone columns and may be used structurally with slenderness as high as 30 to 1 - these are long columns. Short columns - with a slenderness ratio of 12 to 1 - tend to fail by crushing rather than by buckling. In principle, tension members of structures have no limit ratio of cross-section to length. With materials of higher and higher tensile strength it is possible to make longer and longer and thinner and thinner tension cables - approaching a condition of very great length and no cross-section at all.
Everything we call structure is synergetic and exists only as a consequence of interactions between divergent compressional forces and convergent tensional forces. Speaking in terms of generalized law, structure is always and only the consequence of a complex of 6 energy events - 3 dominantly tensive and 3 dominantly compressive- with each set interacting to produce a self-regeneratively stabilized pattern- a tetrahedron.Push and pull, compression and tension forces disassociative and associative in omni-directional balance, characterize the essence of structure. Any and all of what humans identify as substances are structural systems. Any and all structure consists entirely of atoms. Atoms are not things; they are energy events occuring in pure principal. Each and every experimentally evidenced atom is a complex of unique structural-system interrelationships - both internal and external - that manifest generalized pattern integrities in special case scenario continuities. People tend to erroneously think of cables as solid and of steel as solid- but they are not, the atoms of these materials are not touching each other. Physics has found no surfaces and no solids: only localized regions of high frequency, self-interfering, deflecting, and consequently self-knotting energy events. These self-interference patterns occur in pure principle of ultra-high-frequency intervals and on so minuscule a scale as to prohibit intrusion by anything so dimensionally gross and slow as our fingers. We cannot put our fingers between any 2 of all the numbers occurring serially between the integer 1 and the integer 2,000,000,000,000 ( two trillion ) as aggregated linearly in 1 inch. This is the approximate number of atomic domains (the x-illion-per-second, electron-orbited atoms' individual spin-out domains) tangentially arrayable in a row within an experience inch. Within each of the electron-orbited spheric domains the respective atomic nuclei are centered as remotely distant from their orbiting electrons as is our sun from its orbiting planets. Within each of these nuclei complex, high-frequency events are occurring in pure principal of interrelationship. Contrary to common opinion, structures are always dynamic and never static. Structural realizations have specific longevities; they are entropic; they give off energy. The energies are often syntropically replaceable in the consequence of structural transformations. Superficially, the overall limits of the manifold omni-intertransformability of structures are unitarily conceptual. Next Table of Contents