STRUCTURAL CHARACTERISTICS OF TENSEGRITY SYSTEMS                                                                

Though the title of this chapter might suggest an assortment of topics, each is a factor in the consideration of uses of tensegrity. Tensegrity systems are usually joined together with some definite objective or application in mind. When building larger figures, one usually is thinking of them in a structural context. Tensegity systems are so fascinating that one instinctively feels they must be significant, even if it may be difficult to predict their most important applications. The [original] authors background in architecture has resulted in the use of such words as strut, tendon, structure & so on, but it should be appreciated that for some applications of tensegrity such words could be inappropriate. The major importance of Tensegrity may not be for structures but for something entirely different, such as philosophy or as a valuable exercise in three dimensions. Before any applications are suggested, it is worth considering those characteristics which are significant in a practical context. For example, the following characteristics would be significant if a system were being considered as a basis for a large-scale structure: 1. A tensegrity system is a comprehensive force system & does not need external forces, such as those supplied by gravity or anchorages, to keep its components in the correct relationship to one another. Hence, a structure based on a Tensegrity system could be very useful in situations where it would be difficult to use other types of structure. 2. A Tensegrity system is merely a set of forces, though there is a temptation to think of these systems in terms of the struts & tendons of the models. Provided the components of a structure can cope with those forces, it does not matter what the shape the components are or what material is used in their construction. Some Tensegrity-System structures may not look very much like the stick & string models, demonstrated in this text. 3. If a structure is built from struts & tendons, the connections between its components can be simple pinned joints, which make the design and calculation of these figures relatively simple. 4. All the major forces in a Tensegrity System travel axially down the individual struts & tendons, so these components are taking load in the most efficient way. 5. Many figures vibrate readily, which means they are transfering loads very rapidly, preventing the loads from becoming localized. This could be an advantage in some situations, though in cases where vibrations would be a disadvantage, extra tendons could be added to prevent them. It is possible to introduce other significant characteristics but they depend on the application, the materials & the design being contemplated. The characteristics listed here are significant in the structural context, but it might be necessary to draw up a very different list for another application of the idea of tensegrity. Next Table of Contents