OF R. BUCKMINSTER FULLER                                                               

Larger circuit- pattern systems must be based on larger polyhedra such as the geodesic polyhedra developed by Fuller. There are many different families of polyhedra, but this discussion will only involve certain figures derived by the alternate method. See discussion of methods elsewhere in this paper. GEODESIC POLYHEDRA AND THE CIRCUIT PATTERN Since four tendons, defining four edges of of a polyhedron, meet at each vertex of a circuit pattern, and since six edges meet at most of the vertices of these geodesic polyhedra, it is difficult at first to see how circuit pattern Tensegrity systems can be based on them. The difficulty is made worse by the fact that circuit-pattern Tensegrity figures can not be based on all geodesic polyhedra. Fortunately, there are a few simple rules to clarify the issue, Circuit-pattern Tensegrity systems can be based on any geodesic polyhedron derived by the alternate method, provided that the faces of the principal polyhedron have been subdivided to a frequency which is a multiple of 2. The sketches in diagram ___ show a triangular face of a principal polyhedron subdivided into various frequencies. The edges of the original triangles are shown in slightly heavier line than the lines which subdivide each face. Over each face appear, in very heavy line, the paths taken by the struts & tendons in the circuit-pattern figures. This pattern, a tessellation of hexagons & triangles, can't be superimposed symmetrically over a face which has been subdivided to a frequency which is not a multiple of 2. Hexagons occur along the edges of the original triangles, half on one triangle and half on the adjacent triangle. The circuits may also define faces other than hexagons & triangles about the vertices of the original triangles of the principal polyhedron, as is apparent in the following examples. See detail ____ . Next, one must relate the individual struts & tendons to the circuits established in diagram _____ . Diagram ___ shows the struts & tendons sketched onto triangles of a principal polyhedron divided to various frequencies. It can be seen that the struts and the tendons follow the same lines as the circuits identified in diagram 5.4 and that the circuits of the struts interweave one another, {just as they did in the systems described in Ch. 4. } EXAMPLES Having discussed the basic principals, it is worth studying a few examples. The heavier lines in the following sketches show the paths of the circuits of struts and tendons round the figure and the lighter lines show the edges generated by the edges of the principal polyhedron (the icosahedron). The broken lines show the other edges of the geodesic polyhedron. The 2-frequency icosahedron is the icosidodecahedron described in ch. 4. The tensegrity shown in photograph 6 has 30 struts which form 6 pentagonal interweaving circuits and 60 tendons which define the edges of an icosidodecahedron. All struts of this figure can be the same length and all the tendons equal in length. The figure based on the 4-frequency icosahedron (diagram ___ ) has 120 struts arranged in 12 interweaving decagonal circuits and 240 tendons, as shown in photograph 10. Since geodesic polyhedra are not as regular as the Archimedean polyhedra, this figure will usually have struts of 2 different lengths and tendons of 3 different lengths. Instructions for building a model of this figure will be given later. The figure based on the 6-frequency icosahedron (diagram ___ ) has 270 struts and 540 tendons as shown in photograph __ . It has 18 circuits which interweave without touching one another. Each circuit contains 15 struts, but there are 2 different types of circuit, as there are usually struts of 5 different lengths in 2 different sequences round the figure. There are usually tendons of 6 different lengths. This figure can be built in exactly the same way as the other circuit-pattern figures , but it takes a long time to build, simply because it has so many components. By now the basic idea should be apparent, and it is worth briefly looking at a wider range of figures. GENERAL NOTE ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF MODELS It takes a long time to build the larger examples of this type of figure, simply because of the number of struts and tendons involved. Fortunately as much can be learned from the smaller figures. FINAL NOTES There are enormous numbers of geodesic polyhedra on which Circuit-Pattern Tensegrity systems can be based. This discussion has only described a few systems based on figures derived by the alternate method from a few principal polyhedra, but there are many other ways of subdividing principal polyhedra, and there are many other polyhedra which can be used as principal polyhedra. In addition, these Circuit-Pattern Tensegrity systems are not regular, and many variations can be made in the geometry of each figure. It is hoped that this chapter together with the assembly instructions in subsequent chapters, explain enough of the basic ideas and techniques to allow the reader to work on other figures of this type. Next Table of Contents